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The first step to understanding your mind and becoming a more rational thinker is to become aware of the thinking errors that we all have within us.
You can’t know what you don’t know. It isn’t any fault of your own, minus signing up for a behavioral psychology class, no one sits you down and explains all the ways your brain likes to give you shortcuts, jumps to conclusions or does the heavy lifting (thinking) for you without your conscious input.
We simply aren’t taught to better understand our minds and the cognitive limitations they have.
I know for some people, going through life blissfully ignorant of these cognitive errors would be just fine and dandy, but not for me (and hopefully you too!)…
I don’t know about you, but…I want to know the tactics the salesperson is using against me in a negotiation. (e.g.the Anchoring Effect)
I want to understand the underlying reason it is hard to give up on something I’ve invested time in and need to let go of. (Sunk cost Fallacy)
Why do I find that I agree with 95% of the people and ideas that show up on my social media feeds? (Confirmation Bias)
Why am I seeing the shoes I bought everywhere now, but I didn’t in the past?! (Baader Meinhoff Phenomenon)